Engineering consultants in Pakistan
Nationwide - Multiskilled - Multidisciplinary
Engineering Development and Management Consultancy

Social Development Services - SDS

MMP provides a full range of services in the social sector covering education, health, trainings, social protection, safety nets, cash transfers and institutional development. Within these sectors, MMP specialises in community mobilisation, third party monitoring, process evaluation, spot checks, beneficiary feedback, qualitative surveys (FGDs, CDs, IDIs, etc.), and quantitative surveys (household, beneficiaries, consumers, users, etc.).


For a list of our key projects click here


Apart from the above-mentioned services, MMP can organise quality assurance systems at all educational levels, adapting successful international models to local conditions. We also advise and assist government departments to plan, formulate and implement policies for decentralisation of school management and development of audit and inspection systems. We possess the capacity to assist in the preparation of curriculum and conduct teacher trainings. Furthermore, we can train, monitor and evaluate inspectors to exacting standards and develop special mitigation measures for under-performing schools.


For a list of our key projects click here


In the Health sector, MMP has collaborated with Mott MacDonald Group on a number of assignments to provide technical assistance to the federal and provincial governments in Pakistan on projects involving improvements in nutrition, maternal health, and food fortification. Our aim is to develop our nascent health sector portfolio into one of the major pillars of our SDS sector.


For a list of our key projects click here

Institutional Development

MMP is often called upon to provide long-term and short-term specialist inputs in institutional building and strengthening, as part of a major multi-disciplinary scheme or as a self-contained assignment. These assignments may involve strengthening an individual government department or assisting in launching a new public or private sector organisation.

Our aim on technical assistance projects is to assist the local institution in developing a self-sustaining capability so that its employees are able to carry out administrative and technical tasks competently. This is achieved by involving these employees in the decision-making process and increasing their level of responsibility as they gain more experience.


For a list of our key projects click here