Engineering consultants in Pakistan
Nationwide - Multiskilled - Multidisciplinary
Engineering Development and Management Consultancy

Social Development Services - SDS Projects List

Project Client Description Completion
PHNP Technical Cooperation & Roadmap (TRF+) Department for International Development (DFID) DFID has developed TRF+ to focus on demand creation and capacity development to revitalise health and provide technical support for the public sector to enhance health sector capacity so that it can deliver high quality health outcomes and effective policies related to RMNCH and nutrition. The main objectives of the project are: • To support the Governments of Punjab and KP provinces by providing high quality technical assistance for evidence-based and effective policies, practices and reforms and their implementation; • Developing Health Reform Roadmaps in the two provinces for delivery of priority health sector results through policy and service improvements, and establishing mechanism to monitor implementation of the roadmaps; • Strengthening capacity in performance, financial and human-resource management, as well as using existing health information system (DHIS) and external third party validation mechanisms to monitor quality of services; and • Building resilience in government programmes and ability to respond effectively during conflict and natural disasters. 2018
Spot Checks and Beneficiary Feedback National Cash Transfer Program Department for International Development (DFID)

MM Pakistan was responsible for all field operations including: Household survey of the beneficiary to get their feedback regarding the mechanism Conducting Focus Group Discussions and Community Dialogues with the beneficiaries, non-beneficiaries, minorities focusing on socially excluded groups Spot checks of Payment places Spot checks of the institutions established to support the mechanism Mystery shopping Case studies The expertise provided include: Monitoring and Evaluation Household surveys using digitalized form and Tablets Analyses of qualitative and quantitative data Spot Checks Mystery shopping Institutional assessment Training and Development Security and Duty of Care

Management Organisation to Support Implementation of the KP Education Sector Programme Adam Smith International DFID has allocated £ 203.5 million to support implementation of the KP Education Sector Plan (2011/12-2015/16). The Education Sector Plan (ESP) describes the KP Government’s comprehensive and ambitious strategy for the development of the elementary and secondary school sector in the province. The KP Education Sector Plan aims to increase the number of girls and boys enrolling in and successfully completing quality primary and secondary education. It aims to achieve this through ten main priorities: (i) improved and more equitable access to education; (ii) improving the quality of learning in schools; (iii) improving the curriculum, textbooks and learning materials; (iv) development of human resources; (v) improved infrastructure (e.g. school rehabilitation); (vi) rehabilitation of education in crisis situations; (vii) adult literacy and non-formal education; (viii) improved governance and management; (ix) partnerships and community involvement, and (x) partnerships with private schools through the KP elementary education foundation. The ESP was developed in consultation with development partners and aims to coordinate interventions in the sector. Other development partners are also supporting the plan either a pooled funding arrangement with DFID or parallel funding to GoKP. 2015
Technical Resource Facility Department of International Development

This project will procure and manage technical assistance on behalf of the Federal and Provincial Governments of Pakistan. The initial proposal was to support Pakistan’s National Maternal, Child and Newborn Health Programme, but this has now been considerably extended to support the health sector more widely. The larger programme is jointly funded by DFID and AusAID. HLSP is responsible for delivery of the programme, with US firm JSI providing Monitoring and Evaluation inputs and Pakistan procurement specialists Semiotics contributing to the sourcing of local short term consultants.

Pakistan Voice and Accountability DAI

Provide services on behalf of CEC (UK) to the Punjab. Select suitable staff and monitor their performance. Provide logistic support including project office management. QES of output by local (MMP) staff. Security plan preparation & monitoring. QES, risk assessment & management for the assignment.

Package D: Improving Quality, Access and Governance in Education, Punjab, Pakistan PMIU-PESRP, School Education Department, Government of Punjab, Lahore

Working with the government institutions: Programme Monitoring Implementation Unit/School Education Department, Department of Staff Development, Punjab Education Council, Punjab Education Assessment System; and donors (GIZ, UNICEF, WB and DFID) we are providing a diverse range of technical services to i) enhance fiscal sustainability and the effectiveness of public expenditures including education, ii) enhance the quality of school education; improve and expand access through improvements in school participation and completion rates and reduction n gender and regional disparities, and iv) strengthen school management and governance within the sector. In addition, CE in association with MMP is providing technical assistance to inform the development of key programmes for the next phase of reform. A series of impact evaluations will be implemented in order to inform SED on a range of program activities – these will include Whole School Approach, School Council Capacity building pilot program and Performance-based incentive program for teachers.

Skills Design Program Project funded PDSP Program (Government of Punjab)

To provide complete assistance / support / coordination in Pakistan starting from Logistic arrangements Meetings with the local stakeholders i.e. Government, Private Sector, Semi Government & NGO’s. Feedback on the local initiatives & working Research for the relevant data Total back-up for technical and administrative assistance - Review of the existing initiatives in the sector

Technical Assistance Management Agency (TAMA) for Punjab Devolved Social Services Programme (PDSSP) ADB

The overall objective is to establish and operate a Technical Assistance Management Agency, located in or close to the Programme Support Unit (PSU) to identify, procure and manage TA inputs and facilitate progress in the PDSSP in three key sectors: Health, Education and Water& Sanitation. TAMA plays a key role in attaining the objectives of the Punjab Devolved Social Services Programme. (PDSSP). The focus of work is at Provincial and District Government – supporting policy development and capacity building for improved service delivery.

Multi-Discipline Training Program for Gas Pipeline and LNG Import Projects Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Govt of Pakistan MM Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd played a vital role in course development with local content and facilitate sessions. MMP also responsible for close coordination and liaison with Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources and International Consultancy Firms. Total 35 delegates from different departments of the ministry were participated and successfully completed the course. Minister of State for Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resource was the Chief Guest for certificates distribution ceremony held on 18 February 2007 in Serena Hotel, Islamabad 2017
Punjab Middle Schooling Project ODA Teacher training, head teacher training, testing and assessment, supplementary readers, social development, benefit monitoring and evaluation, material development. 1999
Pakistan Teachers Training Project ADB Review present structure, suggest management capability, conduct feasibility study on alternate curricula, assist in formulating work plans, schedule define subject criteria for pilot GCET, help prepare manuals, undertake field visits etc., management development, distance education and material development education technology development, research, education economics, non-formal education. 1999
Teachers Training Project - Overseas Fellowship Programme IDP Education, Australia / ADB To maintain constant liaison with the participants, IDP and Ministry of Education, obtain nominations from MoE, arrange for processing of visas and health certificates of 100 trainess to be sent for training outside Pakistan under this project, organise international travel and conduct pre-departure briefings for the trainees. 1999
Linkage of Teacher Training with the Retention Rate of Students of Primary Level ADB Development of Instruments, field personnel training, try out, improvement and revision, survey, draft report, final report. 1997
A Study of Relationship of Mathematics Curriculum Among Various Levels ADB/Govt. of Sindh To study the relationship of maths curriculum among various levels. Instruments will be developed, pre-testing be done, field surveys be conducted data collected, analysed and report prepared. 1997
Advisory Consultancy Serves for River Training Works 1997 Govt. of Punjab To provide advisory services and attend meetings on river protection schemes by Mr. Abdul Shakoor. 1997
Project Implementation Plan for Northern Education Project Govt. of AJK Preparation of Project Implementation Plan for Northern Education Project. 1996
Current Status of Directorate of Primary Education NWFP ODA/British Council Study of current status of Primary Education in NWFP and preparation of report for British Council 1996
Ilm Ideas – Phase 2: Pakistan Education Innovation Fund (PEIF) Department for International Development (DFID)

In collaboration with Cambridge Education, MMP is implementing Phase-2 of this £20 million DFID-funded assignment, spread over a period of 4 years. The project aims to introduce creative thinking in the education sector; seeking to cultivate innovation in collaboration with experts from the government, business and IT sectors, with the express purpose of providing sustainable, innovative and cost-effective solutions in Pakistan’s education sector.

Waseela-e-Taleem Programme (WeT) BISP

MMP is proud to be the implementing partner for the WeT programme, an offshoot of the BISP, where the aim is to provide conditional cash assistance to the eligible children of BISP’s Unconditional Cash Transfer (UCT) scheme’s selected beneficiary families. The scope of work includes conducting micro supply capacity assessment of the participating public and private school facilities, social mobilisation of BISP beneficiaries, registration, enrolment and admission verification of children, and their attendance compliance monitoring. Apart from Punjab, MMP is implementing this programme in all regions of Pakistan.

Consultancy Services for Third Party Monitoring of FATA’s Temporarily Displaced Persons Emergency Recovery Project (TDP-ERP) NADRA

To support the early recovery of approximately 350,000 families displaced by the military operation in five FATA agencies, the World Bank has provided support to the Government of Pakistan through the FATA TDP-ERP. To address the access and security challenges and strengthen the programme oversight, the World Bank engaged MMP for third party monitoring to support its activities in FATA. Our project team’s tasks have included periodically monitoring selected project activities and inputs/outputs in five agencies of FATA. These tasks include:

  1. Periodic review of operational processes, activities, outputs, and results in the field; and
  2. Comparing the processes and activities outlined in the Project Operations Manual to those being implemented in practice, to identify any deviations as well as areas where additional attention may be warranted.
Technical Resource Facility Plus (TRF+) Department for International Development (DFID)

In collaboration with Mott MacDonald Group, MMP is providing key specialists to work with the provincial governments in setting targets and building capacity for improved reproductive and maternal health and nutrition outcomes, and at the same time strengthen financial management.