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Engineering Development and Management Consultancy

Water Supply Projects List

Project Client Description Completion
Feasibility Study for Extension of Water Resources for Faisalabad City – Phase-II Water and Sanitation Agency, (WASA), Faisalabad

WASA Faisalabad Development Authority commissioned MMP for the feasibility study for extension of water resources for Faisalabad city. Our consultants are conducting a study to augment the water availability for Faisalabad, through the induction of an additional 30 mgd of treated surface water by tapping the raw water from canals flowing through the city. Our major services on this assignment include:

  1. Design to increase the capacity of the under-construction 10 mgd plant to 20 mgd;
  2. Design of a new treatment 20 mgd plant at a suitable site on the eastern side of the city;
  3. Design improvements in the arterial network, with necessary additions/modifications;
  4. Conduct studies, surveys and investigations; and
  5. Prepare documents of technical specifications and PC-1 for the project.
Preparation of Master Plan for Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage System for Lahore WASA LDA

WASA Lahore has engaged a consortium of consultants led by MMP, including MML and JERS to prepare the Master Plan with a 25-year planning horizon and identification / prioritisation of the project. This includes provision of physical infrastructure including water supply, sewerage, storm water drainage and waste water treatment with detailed designing and costing or the Lahore District to meet the present and future requirements for efficient and effective service delivery.

Our consultants are also assessing the existing infrastructure and proposing rehabilitation and expansion, including reviewing the regularity framework. We are also reviewing the tariff structure and introducing a sound financial management system based on MIS.

Consultancy Services for Construction of Surface Water Treatment Plant of 100 Cusecs from BRBD Canal upstream of Ravi Syphon, Lahore Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA), Lahore
  1. Construction of 100 Cusecs (54 MGD) Surface Water Treatment Plant (SWTP) i.e. Intake Structure at Escape Channel of BRBD Canal, Pre-Sedimentation Tanks, Flocculation and Clarification Chambers, Clarifiers, Rapid Gravity Filter Beds, Clear Water Tank, Ground Storage Tank, Chlorination Room, Admin Building, Residential Building and Internal Roads etc.
  2. Providing and laying of Transmission Main of 60” Dia. Ductile Iron pipe from SWTP to the Underground Tanks of the 04 Serving Areas.
  3. Construction of 04 No. Underground Tanks, Rising Mains and 23 No. Overhead Reservoirs.
  4. Providing and Laying of Distribution Network of HDPE Pipes and 100% Water metering in the 04 Serving Areas.